SHOWING STYRIA re-interprets the traditional provincial exhibitions, lifting the ‘Regional Exhibition’ onto tracks that point towards the future, so to say.
In SHOWING STYRIA, Styria is reflected in many voices and facets. It shows a province that seeks lively interaction with its neighbours and takes an active role in shaping the European community without ever forgetting its history.
The Regional Exhibition addresses social questions relating to history, the present and the future, re-working them from the perspective of art and culture.
Three museums belonging to the Universalmuseum Joanneum engaged in their SHOWING STYRIA exhibitions with Styrian history and with developments in society. A location has been created in the mobile pavilion that brings SHOWING STYRIA to people living in the regions of Styria. In a monumental video installation over a surface area of some 800 square metres, a contemporary analysis of the (artistic) variety found in Styria is presented in the mobile pavilion, titled ‘who we are’.
The History Museum engaged with the question ‘how it was’ in its contribution to SHOWING STYRIA, while the newly designed Folk Life Museum in Graz addressed the theme of ‘how it is’. In its presentation titled ‘what will be’, the Kunsthaus Graz dared to look towards a potentiality of ‘futures’ for Styria.
Every location offered in its respective exhibition an intensive engagement with Styrian history and society. Together, the four exhibitions revealed surprising angles and perspectives on the people of Styria and their culture.
‘The goal of SHOWING STYRIA is to reflect and critically question key social issues, and to develop new viewpoints.’

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SHOWING STYRIA reveals the extent to which modern-day Styria’s many voices are interconnected within Austria, Europe and the world. It leads us through a province that seeks vibrant interaction with its neighbours, and that takes an active role in shaping the European community without ever forgetting its history.
As varied as Styria itself are also the perspectives we take on the themes presented and discussed in SHOWING STYRIA at the various locations, the History Museum, the Folk Life Museum, the Kunsthaus Graz and the mobile pavilion.
We in the Universalmuseum Joanneum are pleased to be able to realise SHOWING STYRIA. It represents a welcome opportunity to be able as an institution to think beyond the confines of one’s own identity and to likewise encourage as many people as possible to question their ideas and (self-) conceptions. The goal is to enable others to obtain new perspectives and to engage actively with the history of Styria’s development, its present and its potential for the future.
This aspiration is branded into the very essence of the Joanneum. Since it was founded by Archduke Johann, it has set out to document fully the history, nature, art and culture of Styria and above all to ‘bring it to the people’.
It is with great pleasure that we offer in SHOWING STYRIA many fascinating insights into the rich variety to be found in our province.

Alexia Getzinger, Director of Finance, Universalmuseum Joanneum
‘With its SHOWING STYRIA, the Universalmuseum Joanneum aims to encourage as many people as possible to engage in an active way with the eventful history, the present-day diversity, and the future potential of Styria – very much in the spirit of our founder Archduke Johann.’